Emergence of our venture
Team AVSEIH takes pride on being flexible and not holding to any particular design style. This approach allows us to create timeless designs emphasising aesthetics, sustainability, elegance, luxury and creativity. Whether it’s an office, home, retail outlet, hotel or restaurant, our goal is to make sure we meet budgets, timescales and schedules.
Aesthetics and practicality go hand-in-hand as we ensure that every item which is part of our design both looks beautiful and carries out the task for which it was created. Vintage, reused or recycled, off-the-shelf or individually designed – all the furniture and fittings used by the team at AVSEIH Design Studio are specifically chosen and tailored to enhance the ambience of our interiors.
Our suppliers are carefully chosen for their commitment to excellence in all fields and close communication with clients ensures that the very best combination of objects and items, complement and enhance the surroundings – whether flooring, fittings, furniture, curtains or cushions.
Throughout this stage of the project, complete records of procurement are kept, along with times and costs, in order that expectation are fulfilled and finances can be accounted for and ratified.
Our team at AVSEIH Design Studio oversee all the chain of procurement and delivery from suppliers to site, ensuring delivery within the scheduled timescale for installation and on-budget.